Thursday, October 05, 2006

Fall Pictures

Today it was a beautiful Fall day so I thought I would take some pictures of my sweet girl! I think some of them turned out pretty well. I am hoping to find a pumpkin patch to go and take her picture at sometime soon as well. I just love the Fall! The crisp, cool air, the leaves falling, football, apple cider, wearing new boots (I just got some!), a holiday that reminds us to always be thankful and the list could go on.

We have had a pretty busy couple of weeks with lots of company and the launch of Journey Church. It was all pretty exciting! I will post pictures of some of those fun times later but for now just enjoy these of my beautiful girl!


Travis, Alicia, Ceara and Calen Sass said...

I would love to be back home right now to enjoy the fall, it is such a pretty time of year. Right now we are pretty much getting into the full swing of summer so no cool weather for us. Luckily I only have a few more days of being pregnant I hope so that I don't have to be big and huge during the summer months. I will miss the snow as well but I suppose tropical weather is good too. Hope your kickoff for the church went well, we would love to hear more about it as we have experienced a similar thing, very exciting times. Have a great day, Alicia

Suzanne said...

Oh Alicia!
I am so excited for you guys and can't wait to know if it's a boy or girl and the name and everything! It sounds like you are doing very well over there! Will you be coming back to Canada next summer? I hope so because we would love to see you and your sweet new baby! Maybe we could even play some cards! We think of you guys and miss you!


Kara Deal said...

Oh, Xana! How sweet and beautiful she is! She looks like a little model! Did Missy get new boots too?

I love the fall too! We're twins! I wish we could all go to a pumpkin patch together! I know! We can talk on the phone and I will go to one in Amarillo on the Same day that you go to one in Calgary. We'll be twins again!

I love you! Hug Malcolm and Missy for me! We got her Christmas present(s) the other day! I'll have to tell you all about them when we talk on the phone. Maybe I should answer my phone every once in a while!

Suzanne said...

Thanks Auntie KK!
I thought they turned out great too! Do you want me to print and send you some of them? I love that first one and already have it framed! I will call you when we go to the pumpkin patch! Love you!

Unknown said...

Those are gorgeous pictures, Suzanne! Who needs a studio when you have such talent AND such a pretty girl and pretty setting!

I haven't been to a pumpkin patch in AGES, but once our little guy is big enough, I'm sure we'll make a few trips. FUN!

I just got all caught up on your blog--looks like you had a couple of nice trips. I'm jealous that you got to go to Victoria--I've always wanted to go there. Steve and I are going to the Oregon Coast for our anniversary in a few weeks. We planned it so we can be there for TLC, too. Can't wait to see bunches of friends and eat lots of yummy seafood and enjoy the beautiful scenery! One of these days, our visits need to coincide! I miss you!

Kara Deal said...

Hey Xana! Yes! I would love to have a picture! I'll be looking for one!

Kara Deal said...
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Suzanne said...

Hi Gina!
I read your blog and it always makes me laugh. You are too funny and are so creative! I wish we could see each other so I could meet your husband and see how cute you are pregnant! When is your due date? Did I read on your blog that you are moving to the East coast? If so, when? We will be in Washington for Christmas. What about you?

Thanks for reading and commenting! Miss you!

Char said...

Hi Suzanne - I met you at Bonnie's wedding - I went to Western with Malcolm and lived with Heather for my university years ...

I am part of a music group called All 4 One and we are performing this Sunday, Oct 22nd in Calgary, at Bethany Chapel (3333 Richardson Way) at an event called Hymn Tyme, during the evening. I am going to give Heather a call too and let her know ... just thought it might be fun to say hi to old friends ... hope you get this message ...

Charlotte Peters

Unknown said...

Well, looks like my answers are a LITTLE late, but:

a) I wish I could see you, too!

b) I'm due the first week of February. Counting down the days!

c) We were going to be transferred to Maryland, but that got cancelled. Typical Air Force stuff.

d) I wish we could have gone home for Christmas, but I was too pregnant to travel. My parents came out to celebrate with us, instead. I hope you had a wonderful time with your family!