Saturday, March 10, 2007


I am back with some pictures. Malcolm was making fun of the new look of my blog. I know hard to believe! :) He said the font is so big his grandma could read it no problem. I like it and want my blog to be friendly to the visually impaired. ;)

These pictures are from last month. Malcolm and I went to a BNL concert. I don't know if I should write out the name because I might get some weird comments. Hopefully, you know what group it is and what you would do if you had a million dollars. (hint hint) Kori and Lisa invited us and we had a great time! We had not been to a concert in a forever so it was lots of fun.

Here are some Valentine's Day pictures of Madalyn. We made cookies for her class and some friends. In two of the pictures she is showing her V-Day cards from Nan and Papa and Grandma and Grandpa. One of the pictures is of some Daddy and daughter guitar playing and singing. So cute!


Craig,Leah,Lena said...

nice to see you guys back! and to see some pics...keep it up, Suzanne. and if malcolm's making fun of your blog - tell him to start his own!
i seem to remember a great rendition of 'if i had a million dollars' by the McMillan brothers at a McMillan wedding! fun times.

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

That is so wierd, I was just about to say the exact same thing about Malcolm as Leah did.

Start your own blog Mac, you big baby pants.


P.S. I do believe this is my first comment on your lovely blog, how do you do?